Recent Articles
Is this Service Free? How do I pay for it?
Yes, we continue to offer this service free to the Internet community as we have done so for nearly 10 years. While some of our competitors do charge for a similar service, our service is supported by sponsors who place advertisements on the pages you see while sending & receiving ecards. ...
rating 17 Apr, 2021 Views: 41113 Comments: 0
Why am I not getting the view card confirmation mail?
When you send an ecard through, you have the option of getting notified when the receiver views the ecard. This option by default is set to yes so that you know when the ecard is viewed. If you have not received the view confirmation email, then A) There is a typo in your...
rating 09 Oct, 2019 Views: 22486 Comments: 0
How do I Delete or Deactivate my Account from
To delete your 123Greetings Connect Account you must be a verified registered user. In order to delete your account you must login with the registered email address and password. After login to your account on the top right corner you will find your profile. On hover or click you will find the...
rating 15 Jan, 2019 Views: 35544 Comments: 0
How do the Track, Edit, and Delete features work?
Through the advanced tracking system of 123Greetings Connect you can see the exact status of the ecards that you have sent in the last 30 days. You also have the ability to edit or delete ecards that are yet to be viewed by the recipients. To track an ecard that you have sent in last 30 days,...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 38294 Comments: 0
How can I edit or delete an ecard to be sent today?
Through the advanced tracking system of 123Greetings Connect you can see the exact status of the ecards that you have sent in the last 30 days. You also have the ability to edit or delete ecards that have not been viewed yet by the recipients. To edit an ecard please follow these instructions: -...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 173665 Comments: 0
How do I edit or delete contact information in my Address Book?
You can edit or delete contact information by following these instructions: - Login to 123Greetings Connect. - Click on My Address Book tab. Click on the edit link located beside the contact you wish to edit. - You can edit only the contact’s name; the email address field cannot be edited....
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 36930 Comments: 0
How can I edit an ecard that I've sent?
Through the advanced tracking system of 123Greetings Connect you can edit Receiver Name, Receiver email address, Receiver Message, Delivery Date of an ecard if the card has not been viewed yet by the recipients. To edit an ecard please follow these instructions: - Login or Signup to 123Greetings...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 301858 Comments: 0
How can I cancel or delete an ecard that I have sent?
Through the advanced tracking system 123Greetings Connect you can see the exact status of the ecards that you have sent in the last 30 days. You also have the ability to delete or cancel the ecards that have not been viewed yet by the recipients. To delete an ecard please follow these...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 173953 Comments: 0
What are Fraudulent/ SPAM/ Phishing emails?
Fraudulent emails containing malicious links sent from individuals portraying themselves as messages from There have been email campaigns that claim to be an ecard from which contain an attachment that will infect your computer with a malicious and destructive...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 18841 Comments: 0
How to differentiate between legitimate ecard email and a fraudulent email?
At a quick glance after reviewing the table below, you should be able to tell the difference between legitimate ecard email notifications and emails not from us. However, we still recommend that you manually type in and in the search box put in the 20 digit ecard...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 64043 Comments: 0
How to tell the difference between good and bad emails?
At a quick glance after reviewing the table below, you should be able to tell the difference between legitimate ecard email notifications and emails not from us. However, we still recommend that you manually type in and put in the search box the 20 digit ecard number...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 10143 Comments: 0
What you can do to protect yourself from fraudulent ecard emails moving forward?
If you feel that you have received a fraudulent ecard email claiming to be from, please submit your example with full header and body of the email to to help in our investigations. You can be assured that your submission will help us continue to fight...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 6637 Comments: 0
Why am I getting a Virus Notice/.exe file link when I get a card from
There is no way you can get any Virus Notice/ .exe file link while receiving ecards from As per policy does not send any attachment or .exe file link in the email. There is no spurious software/ virus that is associated with any email that you receive from...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 18368 Comments: 0
How can I get Anniversary Reminders of my contacts?
You can get Anniversary Reminders of your contacts by following these instructions: - Login to 123Greetings Connect. - Click on “My Address Book” tab and click on the “Edit” link present beside the contact whose anniversary you would like to update. - Enter/ Update the “Date of...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 1535 Comments: 0
How do I change my Anniversary Reminder settings?
You can change your Anniversary Reminder settings by following these instructions: - Login to 123Greetings Connect. Click on "Settings" tab on the menu.   Go to “Anniversary Reminder Settings” box, as shown in below screen shot, you can opt in or opt out of...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 1665 Comments: 0
How can I stop receiving Anniversary Reminders?
If you don’t want to receive Anniversary Reminders please follow these instructions: -  Login to 123Greetings Connect. - Click on the "Settings" tab on the menu. -  In "Anniversary Reminder Settings" box you can find an option “Send me an...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 1439 Comments: 0
Can I schedule an anniversary ecard for a contact whose anniversary is coming up?
Yes.  You can schedule a anniversary ecard for a contact by following these instructions: - Login to 123Greetings Connect. - Click on "My Reminders" page where you can see all the upcoming anniversaries within the next 60 days. - Click on “Select an ecard...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 1418 Comments: 0
I entered a wrong Anniversary Date for a contact. How do I edit it?
You can edit the Date of Anniversary of an unregistered contact by following these instructions: - Login to 123Greetings Connect. - Click on "My Address Book" tab.  - Expand the link for the option “All My contacts”. - Click on the "Edit" link...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 1550 Comments: 0
How far in advance can I get reminders for the upcoming anniversaries?
You will get reminders for upcoming anniversaries for a maximum of 14 days in advance and a minimum of 1 day in advance or on the same day.  You also have the option to get a reminder on the date of the anniversary.   However, by default, we will send you the reminder 7 days in advance...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 1515 Comments: 0
How can I stop following an Artist?
You can stop following artists at any point of time by following these instructions: - Login or Sign up to 123Greetings Connect. - Confirm your email address if you have not done so. - Click on "My Artists" tab and click on “” button present beside the artist name and you will no longer...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 4026 Comments: 0
What is "Follow Artist" functionality in Connect? How does it work?
Follow Artist is a feature in 123Greetings Connect which allows you to follow your favorite artists and get notifications whenever they upload new ecards on our site. You can follow your favorite artist by following these instructions: - Login or Sign up to 123Greetings Connect. - Confirm your...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 6966 Comments: 0
What are weekly updates of the artists whom I follow? How do I stop receiving them?
Connect users can follow their favorite artists. By doing so, they receive weekly updates of the ecards that have been uploaded by the artists whom they follow. This allows users to see and send the latest cards of their favorite artists. However, if you don’t want to receive weekly updates for...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 6040 Comments: 0
How can I send an ecard for an event to my contacts in advance?
You can schedule an ecard for an event to your contact by following these instructions: - Login to 123Greetings Connect. - Go to "My Events" tab. - Click on the desired event name listed in “My Event” box present on the right hand side of the page. - You will then be taken to the event...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 4987 Comments: 0
What is Event Reminder? Is it free?
An Event is a holiday, festival, or a significant occasion that is celebrated or observed by a group of people. For example, an event can be New Year, Christmas, Ramadan or Friendship Day. More than 300 such events are listed on Event Reminder service allows you to receive...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 18487 Comments: 0
How can I stop receiving Event Reminders?
If you don’t want to receive Event Reminders please follow these instructions: - Login to 123Greetings Connect. - Click on the "Settings" tab on the menu. - In the "Event Reminder Settings" box you will find an option “Send me an email reminder for Upcoming Events” as shown below: -...
rating 29 Aug, 2018 Views: 6349 Comments: 0